Saturday, August 18

Bersatu Victory Party

Hey everybody!

The Bersatu Victory Party was a success! Why? Because everything that mattered most were there - the people and the food! :) I did, however, expect more of you to turn up but I guess those that didn't would have had valid reasons and if you didn't turn up cuz you were lazy... you missed out on some really good food!! :þ~ Any regrets? Well, TOO LATE! Next time, turn up! Wahahaha!!

On a serious note, thanks to everyone that came! Huge thanks to those that were involved in the preparation of the food - it was very tasty! Made a few people home sick! Good job!

A special mention should be made for those that received an award from Azmir. Congratulations to...

  • Best team: Netball

  • Best captain: Fiqa

  • Best female player: Yani

  • Best male player: Nik
Regarding the photos taken that night, these can be viewed by clicking the link below:

Also, I found the videos that were shown at the opening and closing of the Bersatu Games on YouTube. Check them out. Personally, the last video was especially touching...
  • Opening Ceremony: 1 2

  • Closing Ceremony: 1 2 3
I guess this will be the last post, from me anyway. We've all had our share of tears, joy, laughter, fun. In the end, we got the glory! However, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you win or lose... all that matters is that you've given it all that you've got, gained personal satisfaction and taken something out of it.

Let's hope that next year's team will do us all proud again! If you weren't part of the participating CMSA contingent this year, sign up for it next year! It's an experience you'll never forget and you'll leave with some unforgettable memories! Here's to looking forward to Bersatu Games 2008 in Wellington...

On that note, I leave you with a few photos from this year's Bersatu Games Victory Party and wish you all the very best of luck in all your exams!

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