Coaching Points Pass:
1. The player passing the ball should hold it in two hands, with fingers spread, holding it along the long end of the ball.
2. The ball should be positioned between the pectorals and the mouth.
3. The player should swing their arms across their body maintaining the ball at the same position as 2.
4. The player releases the ball when hands point to catcher.
5. Once the player has passed the ball they need to realign (take two steps backward) to be in a position behind the new ball carrier to receive the potential next pass.
Coaching Points Catch:
1. The player catching the ball must have their hands up, facing each other, fingers spread and positioned between the pectorals and the mouth point toward the ball carrier.
2. The player catching the ball should call the passers name before it is passed.
Junior Drill: Circle Pass (10 mins)
1. Get players to form a circle. Start with one ball. Pass around the circle not missing any player out. Add more balls to add pressure. When you blow your whistle the player holding the ball races around the circle back to their position into the middle of the circle and scores a touchdown. First there wins.
2. Give one player a ball, they are to perform skip passes around the circle, skipping one player at a time. Stop and add a second ball with the balls being in the possession of people alongside each other.
3. One ball, P1 with that ball runs across the circle and meets up with P2 and passes the ball to them on the left and takes their place in the circle. P2 passes it to P3 again with a left pop.
Continue this until it is smooth. Change to a right hand pop in which case P1 starts and passes to P2 who passes to P12 who passes to P11 etc.
Drill: 2-Man Pass (10 mins)
1. Have the players line up in even groups behind the four cones. Player at X1 has the ball and runs with the person at X2 running support. Ball carrier passes the ball to the support player and the support player pops the ball to the player at X4. X4 player runs and X3 runs in support and receives the ball from ball carrier. Continue…

2. Move on to the 2-man pass realign. X1 runs and passes to X2. After passing X1 steps back two steps and thus is behind X2, and X2 passes the ball back to X1. X1 passes the ball to X3. X3 runs and passes to X4, and X3 realigns to receive the pass back from X4. Continue…
Game: 2-on-1 Touchdown (10 mins)
Get group to form two teams. One goes to X1 and the other team to X6. The first player and every second player in X1 should be holding a ball. Blow your whistle and the first two in X1 run to and around X3 and into game area. Their opponent runs from X6 to X4, then enters the game area. Defending player tries to touch player with the ball with one hand before either of the two attackers score a touchdown between X1 and X4. Player may pass the ball backwards to his/her team mate. Go right through the defenders at X6 twice. Then give the balls to the first four at X6. They run the same direction but the touchdown line has changed to between X6 and X3.

NB: courtesy of
wow!! mantap..ade steps sumore!! hahahaha... personal comment to d sports officer =)
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